About the website author:

Thanks for checking out my website!

My name is Alan Xavier Reed and I am a sophomore in Civil Engineering at Purdue University. I created this website in order to inform people who are questioning or are unsure about their view on religion, about the dystopian attributes of religion and the attempts Mr. Richard Dawkins has made to inform the general public. For those of you that do not know what a dystopia is, it is basically a society that is heavily repressed or controlled.

This website was created for one of my English 106 projects. I decided on the topic due to the fact that I believe that few people dare to speak out against religion since it is considered 'taboo'. This means that people questioning their faith have few resources to find out about the negative aspects and they have to do a fair amount of searching for even those. 

I was raised by a strict Christian mother who was sure instill the fear of God into me as a child. However, as I delved further into science, it removed the restrictions on my ability to think that were imposed by religion. As an Atheist, I realized that instead of bringing people together, religion helps build up 'walls' of separation. Even within the same religion, people are very divided.

Atheists usually have negative connotations due to the misconceptions people have of them. Many people refuse to listen or even attempt to understand anything positive about Atheists. In fact, my above mentioned name is an anagram of my real name in order to prevent my mother from finding this site should she happen to Google my name.

To know more about my views, check out my perspective and comments page here. Check out the Converts Corner on Richard Dawkins' website, to see the effect he has had on people, here.

I will definitely answer any questions you may have on religion/Atheism. Contact me by e-mailing me at [email protected]