Real Time with Bill Maher

Here, Richard Dawkins is invited to talk on the show 'Real Time with Bill Maher'. Bill Maher is a charismatic and witty talk show host having made a documentary against religion himself, entitled 'Religulous'  (7th highest grossing documentary ever). 

In this interview, Dawkins explains evolution in a nutshell, gives examples where evolution has been proven and states that people from the time the Bible and Qur'an were written could not possibly know more about our universe than we do now. He also talks about the 'Out Program' which encourages Atheists to 'come out' and not be afraid of not believing in a deity. 

He explains everything to make sure people understand that religion is not a utopia.

BBC News24's HARDtalk

Richard Dawkins is interviewed by the BBC's Stephen Sackur for News24's HARDtalk. Here, Stephen Sackur asks Dawkins questions about his books, quotes him and asks him why he believes the things he does.

Dawkins explains how he believes that religion gets far more respect than it deserves, how there are misconceptions about him 'loathing' religion and how the world would be much better without it.

British TV Interview

Dawkins cleverly responds to different e-mails from his readers and people who criticize his his views. He clarifies misconceptions and once again explains the negative effects of religion.

He answers questions many creationists pose to him and dismisses them using science and rationality.

Again, he makes sure people see that a world of religion would be dystopian.