Article: Richard Dawkins Misrepresents Position of Intelligent Design Proponents on the Identity of the Designer

This article, as the name suggests, is about Casey Luskin's belief that Dawkins misrepresents the the proponents of Intelligent Design. She attacks statements he has made and quotes other scientists in order to prove her point. She discusses Dawkins' alleged statement "All the leading intelligent design spokesmen are devout, and, when talking to the faithful, they drop the science-fiction fig leaf and expose themselves as the fundamentalist creationists they truly are.". She also goes into detail about how she believes that believing in God should not have you labelled as a creationist.
The article may be found here.

Article: Dawkins Flip-Flops on Link between Darwinism and Fascism

This article criticizing Dawkins was written by John G. West, who attempts to inform the reader that Dawkins makes contradicting statements about Darwinism.
The article may be found here. He talks about how Dawkins declared that the film Expelled portrayed Darwinism in a similar style to Nazism and how he believed that to be an outrage, yet he himself has said that no person would want to live in a society that followed Darwinian laws.

Article: Richard Dawkins Compares Rabbi to Hitler, Then Refuses to Apologize

This is another article written by John G. West criticizing Dawkins. He once again focuses on statements Dawkins has made, going into further detail. The majority of the article however, revolves around a particular statement by Dawkins, where he compares the way a speech was made by one of America's most popular Rabbis (Rabbi Shmuley Boteach) to Hitler. West expresses his anger at the fact that Dawkins did not apologize to the respected Rabbi and talks about how Dawkins should show more restraint.
The article may be found here.